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SDOC Logo Technology

The School District of Oconee County believes technology is a critical component of education and provides innovative technology resources for all students and staff.

These include:

  • A state of the art fiber network with 3Gbps internet access and 40 Gbps intranet (between sites) with 21 distinct locations
  • Individual technology devices for all students (a 1:1 initiative)
  • Hundreds of instructional software and programs
  • G Suite for Education (email, unlimited file storage, etc.)

Our team consists of a diverse group of school-based technicians, network and infrastructure specialists, database administrators, a group of SDOC student interns, and other technology professionals all working toward enhancing your child's education. Click below to view our team!


For more information on how to get support as a student, parent, or staff member, as well as a list of frequently asked questions, please look below. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions related to your child's education as it relates to technology - we're here to serve you!

How do I get support?

Parent/Student FAQ

Employee FAQ

 By the Numbers

10,500+ Chromebooks
4,000+ Windows devices
100+ servers
400+ network switches
500+ surveilLance cameras
...with 15 team members serving oconee county students